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Beyond Charts Current Version

The current version of Beyond Charts is 2.2.2483.0916.

Beyond Charts Release Notes – What’s New?

Release Date: 14/8/2024
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2483.0916

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [WATCHLISTS] Export/Import Watchlists (improvement on existing .csv method).
• [PM] 'Closed Position' display logic from SWS Alerts App. Any open positions that should be closed will be highlighted in red within Positions Screen.

Bug Fixes:
• [PM] Editing of a future trade causing unlinking within Positions screen.
• [SPA3 Investor] CSR.XASX & ABC.XASX removed from ASX Universe.

Release Date: 15/7/2024
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2461.0722

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [BCFL] RAD Chandelier (Simple) now available within BCFL.
• [CHART] Undo/Redo last 10 actions now available. Cntrl+Z, Cntrl+Y or chart icons.
• [CHART] Drag and Drop RAD Chandelier with blank/cleared Date now 'attaches' to nearest Signal (Entry if defined, Any if not).

Bug Fixes:
• [CHART] RAD Chandelier - MaxValue (99) not allowed
• [CHART] Trendline corruption using CUSTOM period.
• [BCFL] BCFL - '1.0' not working whilst '1' does.
• [DEMO] DemoModeStatus = True on Customer without DEMO on license.
• [CHART] RAD Chandelier - Stop Plotting on Exit - additional states.
• [SPA3 INVESTOR] ATR_TS appearing on non-Universe securities.

Release Date: 4/6/2024
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2447.0620

Changes and Bug Fixes:
The Beyond Charts Portfolio Manager (PM) is now available for wider release. Whilst available to SPA3 users for many years, the Portfolio Manager is now available for Self Directed portfolios, allowing users to Setup, Import and manage a portfolio within Beyond Charts.

General Improvements:
• [PM] Self Directed portfolio improvements.
• [PM] Added Ranking and ATRVE columns to Positions window.
• [BCFL] Signal Summary for single BCFL systems on a chart.
• [BCFL] Import/Export ability added to BCFL Formula Explorer panel.
• [CHART] Mouse Wheel (Zoom/Scroll) now settable via Mouse menu within CHART tab.
• [BACKUP/RESTORE] Recalling last selection (Default or Custom) after using Send to Support option.
• [SIM] % Risked (ATR Initial Stop / Avg Loss per trade) Money Management added.

Bug Fixes:
• [CHART] Fixed the movable Axis marker in certain scenarios.
• [SIM] Custom % to TSL now working.
• [PM] Fixed capital allocated values on some closed trades.
• [PM] Fixed dividend total including some entries outside of date range.
• [SPA3 Trader] Entry appearing when SIROC > 99.

Release Date: 26/03/2024
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2417.0322

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [PM] Added Tax Withheld & Franking Credit totals to Financial Statement.
• [SPA3 Trader] Trade window will now Pyramid.
• [SIM] Custom % to TSL parameter added.
• [CHART] BaseReference indicator improvements around alignment, data mode, differing exchanges/instruments.
• [CHART] Speed improvement with RSC,BaseRef,Security (insert & BCFL) indicators.

Bug Fixes:
• [PM] Self Directed Portfolio improvements.
• [SCANS] Fixed ability to reorder pinned Scans.
• [SPA3 Trader] Fixed ability to choose different SIROC profile within Edit Portfolio.

Release Date: 12/03/2024
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2409.0307

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [PM] Insert Security/Index Chart now available on a PM chart.
• [PM] Removed Cash Available as a Position Size rule for Leverage portfolios.
• [SPA3 Investor] NCM removal from SPA3 Investor universe.
• [SCANS] SPA3 Investor scans default sort now Date, then Ranking.
• [SIM] Added 'Ignore' option to BCFL entries filter (rather than hardcoded delay).
• [SPA3 TRADER] Improved Profit Stop Extension logic when PS target hit on same day as new Weekly Buy signal.

Bug Fixes:
• [APP] Next Position Size fix for Leverage portfolios.
• [APP] Invested % fix for Leverage portfolios.
• [PM] Improved Generic Portfolio Import.
• [SETTINGS] Fixed error loading Application Settings on startup.

Release Date: 14/02/2024
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2397.0216

Changes and Bug Fixes:
This release primarily focusses on bringing SPA3 Trader into the SWS Alerts & PM APP. You will be able to toggle between default SIROC parameters per exchange as well as toggling Lighten & Pyramids on/off.
SPA3 Investor can now also toggle BAPs on/off, as well as Stock Filter on/off within SWS Alerts & PM APP.

General Improvements:
• [APP] SPA3 Trader Alerts NOW AVAILABLE for licensed users.
• [APP] SPA3 Trader Market Risk added to Alerts screen.
• [APP] SPA3 Trader Portfolios NOW AVAILABLE for licensed users.
• [APP] Self Directed Portfolio NOW AVAILABLE.
• [APP] Next Position Size field added to SPA3 Investor Portfolios.
• [APP] AutoFill Qty on Buy ticket for SPA3 Investor Portfolios, based on Next Position Size calculation.
• [APP] Move % added to STATUS screen stocks.

Bug Fixes:
• [BACKUP/RESTORE] Fixed automatic backup not including PM & SIM databases.
• [PM] Save ATRVE, market risk and sector risk during trade or import.
• [CHART] Fixed delay in AutoSave analysis within certain watchlists.
• [PM] Fixed duplicate methodology not allowing trades in certain scenarios.
• [TRADE] Fixed error when acting on Trader result in Self Directed Portfolios.
• [TRADE] Fixed scenario where Insufficient Equity warning would not display.

Release Date: 12/10/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2381.1016

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [SPA3 Trader] Release of SPA3 Trader into the Portfolio Manager, separately licenced investment methodology integrated into Beyond Charts.
• [PM] Maximum Drawdown % calculation improvement. Now uses TWR method between capital events.
• [PM] Expectancy added as a plottable indicator on portfolio chart.
• [PM] Export now available for Values screen statistics.
• [PM] Capital Injections and Capital Withdrawals added to statistics.
• [PM] Max Consec Profits/Losses, Largest $ Profits/Losses and Largest % Profits/Losses added to Positions statistics.
• [PM] Can now search by name OR code within ticket windows.
• [CHART] Added Move (% & $) to Value line.
• [SCANS] Modified default Scan list order.
• [WATCHLISTS] Added 'ASX Exchange Traded Fund' Industry WL.
• [WATCHLISTS] Tidied up some naming conventions within Industry WLs.
• [DEMO] Tweaks and workflow improvements.

Bug Fixes:
• [PM] Scroll bar fixed on Values for smaller screens.
• [PM] TWR method now handles multiple same day capital events.
• [SPA3 Trader] Removed the installation of TradeMaster for new installations moving forward.
• [CHART] Fixed axis label not showing on chart load for certain indicators.
• [CHART] Fixed trend line thickness when loaded with Ribbon.
• [CHART] Fixed analysis couldn’t apply for securities with period in its name.

Release Date: 29/8/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2360.0830

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [BACKUP] 'Send to Support' option added to Backup Tab.
• [NOTES] Columns can now be resized.
• [PM] Additional Columns available within Positions. [Sector, Move, Payout Ratio, Volume, Turn Over, Franking, 52 Week High/Low & dates]
• [PM] New Trade: Cost & Price arrow now increment by 1c.
• [PM] Sharpe Ratio added to Portfolio Values > Statistics tab.
• [SPA3 Investor] Overlays. F3 modified to ROC89, F4 Sentiment Risk removed, F8 ASX benchmark added, F9 USA benchmark added.

Bug Fixes:
• [PM] Net Profit fixed when using Date Filter.
• [PM] $0 trade cost appearing in Cash Records on editing a trade.
• [PM] Maximum Drawdown %, Index Maximum Drawdown %, Current Drawdown % & Index Current Drawdown % calculation fixed when using Date Filter.
• [PM] Fixed modifying a Sell to a Buy wouldn't remove the Sell trade.
• [PM] Open Positions gauge incorrect for Self Directed (No Money Management) portfolios.

Release Date: 28/7/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2340.0731

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [DEMO] Version of Beyond Charts / SPA3 Investor for Marketing.

Bug Fixes:
• Fixed typo in SPA3 Trader Stop Scan dialogue.
• Stopped Data Downloader attempting to install multiple times.
• Fixed focus issue in scans window when attempting to select Security.
• Fixed exception when attempting to delete newly applied P&L line.
• Fixed exception when attempting to add Limit Line to Base Reference indicator.

Release Date: 6/6/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2320.0601

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [PM] Ability to archive portfolios/simulations to remove from Active list.
• [DATASHEETS] Save Datasheet and Scan layouts per watchlist/scan. Add, Save then recall columns rather than needing to add manually each time.
• [ACTIVATION] Added the ability to release all Activations to allow customers to activate new computer after computer crash without needing to contact support desk.
• [KEYBOARD] Stamp now available on CTRL + SHIFT + S shortcut key.
• [SPA3 INVESTOR] Signal Summary. B&H Max DD, B&H Max DD Date and B&H Risk:Reward Ratio to Signal Summary statistics.

Bug Fixes:
• Some PM watchlists not recreating when they should.
• US region date display fix for PM values.
• Last tweak to Ribbon indicator padding.
• Recalculating Signal Summary on chart change.

Release Date: 24/05/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2308.0519

Changes and Bug Fixes:

This release is the outcome of a research project started towards the end of 2022 and was completed in May 2023.

Share Wealth Systems SPA3 Investor research process was used to re-research the parameters for each existing stock and ETF (originally released between 2015 to 2020).

In total, 17 new stocks have been added to the ASX universe and 23 new stocks to the U.S. universe that meet the necessary trendability and volatility requirements.

General Improvements:
• [SPA3 Investor] Newly Optimised parameters for ASX/USA Stocks/Indices/ETFs.
• [SPA3 Investor] BAPs disabled on ASX/USA default Stocks scans.
• [SPA3 Investor] Stock Filter disabled on USA default parameter profiles.
• [SPA3 Investor] Additional 17 Stocks added to ASX universe.
• [SPA3 Investor] Additional 23 Stocks added to USA universe.
• [SPA3 Investor] SPA3 Investor May 23' Re-optimisation Whitepaper added to Documents menu.

Release Date: 8/05/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2293.0509

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [GENERAL] Keyboard Shortuts - Popular functionality added to shortcut keys:

Ctrl + D = Daily chart
Ctrl + W = Weekly chart
Ctrl + M = Monthly chart
Ctrl + Alt + C = Custom period
Ctrl + T = Trend line
Ctrl + V = Value line
Ctrl + E = Ellipse
Ctrl + R = Rectangle
Ctrl + P = Profit/Loss line
Ctrl + H = Horizontal line
Ctrl + L = Vertical line
Ctrl + A = Annotation
Ctrl + X = Crosshair
Ctrl + F = Fibonacci
Ctrl + Shift + S = Stamp
Ctrl + Alt + V = Volume
Ctrl + Alt + S = Simple Moving Average
Ctrl + Alt + E = Exponential Moving Average
Ctrl + Alt + D = MACD + Signal
Ctrl + Alt + R = Rad Chandelier
Ctrl + Alt + A = ATRV(xMA)
Ctrl + Alt + B = Base Reference
Alt + 1 = Securities Explorer Panel
Alt + 2 = Watchlist Explorer Panel
Alt + 3 = Workspace Manager Panel
Alt + 4 = Formula Explorer Panel
Alt + 5 = Indicators Panel
Alt + 6 = Line Studies Panel
Alt + 7 = Overlays Panel
Alt + 8 = Analyses Manager Panel
Alt + 9 = Watchlist Explorer Panel
Alt + 0 = Scans Panel
Alt + - = Parameters Panel
Alt + = = BCFL Library Panel
• [CHART] Analyses Manager - double clicking saved analyses will now open security and apply said analysis.
• [CHART] Trendline. CTRL + SHIFT will now lock drawing to Vertical plane (as per SHIFT locks to Horizontal plane)
• [SPA3 Investor] 25 Trades Exercise. New prompt to enter Journal on your first 25 trades (50 transactions) within a new portfolio.
• [SPA3 Investor] Signal Summary. Added Annualized Return, Max DD, Risk:Reward Ratio, Profit Factor and B&H Annualized Return to Signal Summary statistics.

Bug Fixes:
• Analyses Manager typo fix.
• [BCFL] IsDefined & Barssince functions, now return 0 when data isn't available for calculations (eg. Moving Average ramp up time).

Release Date: 12/04/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2284.0412

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [CHART] Tile Charts: Ordering Improvements, Double click existing tabs to Column/Tile, Close All & Close All but this options added to right click.
• [RAD] The Rad Chandelier will now stop plotting once Exit Trigger is hit, rather than flat lining on all future data.
• [TRAINING MODE] Ability to hide/unhide chart data 1 bar or 5 bars at a time when using CUSTOM period. Also ability to double click 'Period' at bottom of chart to change to CUSTOM period / Training Mode.
• [BROWSER] Chart Browser Updated. ASX site now operational again - Trading View added as default site.

Bug Fixes:
• Minor display bug with disappearing security within a datasheet if adding to a new Watchlist.
• Dividends in Simulations with historical Stock Splits. Now dilutes the historical Dividend too.

Release Date: 6/03/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2272.0309

2.2.2281.0331 Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [CHART] Tile Charts: Open tabs or results from Scan/Datasheet can now Tile, Column, Stack or Tab All
• [WATCHLIST] Import Watchlist Improvements - dropdown of existing, preselection of active WL
• [MISC] Upgrade to latest TeeCharts and DevExpress versions
• [SPA3 INVESTOR] Leverage - tableize Nominal Injection for Position Size within Portfolio Settings
• [SIM] Leverage - Position Risk Up/Down Trigger added
• [SIM] Capital Adjustment - Percentage of Portfolio/Fixed Dollar options added

Bug Fixes:
• Charts opened from a Scan result now recalling when reloading Workspace
• Padding added for inserted indicators

Release Date: 15/02/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2255.0213

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [PM] Next Position Size added to Values
• [SIM] Added disclaimer to SIM Chart output
• [CHART] Overlay one chart on another via drag n drop from Securities Explorer

Bug Fixes:
• Dark Theme tweaks to fix some fields not changing correctly
• Scan fix - ATRBO duplication in Ranking scan
• Scan fix - Incorrect SPA3 Investor parameters loading onto chart opened from scan
• SPA3 Investor Sentiment Risk and Stock Filter indicator style settings fixed

Release Date: 01/02/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2247.0131

Changes and Bug Fixes:

SPA3 Investor Drawdown improvements:
Update to set Sentiment Risk to false by default.
Further research determined the handbrake on returns caused by Sentiment Risk (especially on the ASX) wasn't worth the minimal reduction in Drawdown.
Stock Filter remains set to True.

Release Date: 17/01/2023
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2244.0117

Changes and Bug Fixes:

SPA3 Investor Drawdown improvements:
Recent Research to introduce a Sentiment Risk & Stock Filter to SPA3 Investor Entries with the aim of filtering entries to improve recent drawdown during 2021/2022.

SPA3 Investor:
• [PARAMETERS] New SPA3 Investor USA & SPA3 Investor ASX parameters added with Sentiment Risk & Stock Filter enabled
• [SCAN] OLD SPA3 Investor Equal Weighting scan has been replaced with 4 new scans, separating out Exchanges, Stocks and ETFs into individual scans
• [SCAN] Newly implemented SPA3 Investor Parameters added to newly created scans
• [INDICATORS] New SPA3 Investor Sentiment Risk and SPA3 Investor Stock Filter indicators added
• [OVERLAY] New SPA3 Investor Entry Valid Overlay key added to SPA3 Investor group

General Improvements:
• [PM] Portfolio and Index Risk:Reward Ratio added to Statistics
• [CHART] CNTRL + Mouse drag to scroll chart
• [CHART] Move% added to candle/bar tooltip
• [SHARE INFO] Reordered groupings
• [WORKSPACES] Contract/Expand All added to Workspace Manager
• [WORKSPACES] Sort ASC/DESC added to Workspace Manager
• [LEVERAGE] Position Sizing document added to HOME > DOCUMENTS > SPA3 INVESTOR menu

Release Date: 28/11/2022
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2214.1115

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• [BCFL] SIROC to be made available for use
• [SIM] BCFL Entry Filter for SPA3 Investor Simulations
• [PM] Total Return added as available Indicator
• [SPA3 INVESTOR] Scan layout improvements
• [PM] Payoff Ratio now using improved averages in calculation

Bug Fixes:
• Simulator Advanced Setting - Take Action Price At - Portfolios over exposed using Open/High/Low/Average
• Workspaces - Unticked Workspaces Loading when Autosave is on
• No Brokerage - Trade Window does not close nor does Trade go into Portfolio
• Portfolio name with colon(:) is having error in base ref
• Workspace Highlighting – Click Maintains focus on all clicked

Release Date: 10/10/2022
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2205.1012

Changes and Bug Fixes:

General Improvements:
• Miscellaneous speed improvements throughout PM

Leverage Improvements:
• New Position Risk field

Bug Fixes:
• Securities Explorer showing all columns for some users
• PM - Cash Records title not updating on portfolio change
• SIM - excluding AFI
• Max. Planned Portions Used - Incorrect Error when Editing Closed Buy

Release Date: 05/09/2022
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2187.0831

Changes and Bug Fixes:

Chart Improvements:
• Additional Charting Type (Line / Histogram) parameter for all applicable indicators
• Histogram Charting Type - split color in two for positive and negative value
• Additional Line Style (Dotted, Dashed, Dot-Dash) parameter for all applicable indicators

Trade Simulator Improvements:
• Added Average Price for Take Action Price at
• Added Drawdown trigger options

Bug Fixes:
• Sporadic BC freezing with certain display/Investor scans
• Restored PM save layout in Positions window
• Miscellaneous bug fixes throughout

Release Date: 1/08/2022
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2172.0802

Changes and Bug Fixes:

PM Improvements:
• Remove automatically generated Journal entry on Trade and Cash Transactions
• Stopped unnecessary refreshes of PM windows if data update wasn't relevant

Chart Improvements:
• BC now recalls Hide Marker, Hide Axis Marker and Compact legend preference

Trade Simulator Improvements:
• Leverage enhancement. Modify Trade execution based on Margin Utilization

Bug Fixes:
• Miscellaneous bug fixes throughout

Release Date: 20/06/2022
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2161.0622

Changes and Bug Fixes:


PM Improvements:
• Added option to Toggle between stats that include/exclude open trades
• Added green arrow (Left/Right) for date filter to move the date forward/backward
• Added gauge in Portfolio Values
• Additional field in statistics tab - "Current Drawdown"
• Right Click edit/chart/delete options in Positions and Trade Records
• PM Chart indicators no longer auto hidden when PM chart not focused
• CASH > NEW TRANSACTION: Capital Transfer (between accounts)
• Improved Descriptions in New Portfolio > Details & Money Management Tabs
• Sync with mobile button will now show login window if the user has not yet logged in
• Real time sync with mobile app from BC
• Add new columns (TSL, % to TSL and Portfolio Risk %) field in position and trades

Chart Improvements:
• Added Copy functionality to the chart via Keyboard (Ctrl +C) or right-click menu
• Added Portfolio and Simulation Portfolios to the Base Reference Options (Allowing one to compare various portfolio equity curves)
• Improved Crosshair that follows mouse cursor (original 'Crosshair Locked' available in Line Studies panel)
• Favourites now available in the right click menu on chart
• Open multiple charts at once from datasheet/scan
• Annualized Return, Margin Utilisation, Payoff Ratio added as PM chart indicators
• PM/Sim chart set default view to 100% zoom

UI Improvements:
• Fixed portfolio filter in scan results to show the sell signals applicable to that portfolio and will filter out any buy signals if the stock already exists in the portfolio.
• Historical BAP results added in SPA3 Investor scan if setting is "All Available Data" or "Specific Period"
• Added option to "Pin to top/Unpin" Scans in the Scan Profile tab
• Added functional features for ordering workspaces
• Fixed workspaces tab sorting
• Fixed Tutor Me Link (only affecting some users)
• Added Generic Import functionality for importing portfolios (CSV formatting required)
• Help group added to PM & SIM tabs
• CNTRL + W to close active Tab within BC

Bug Fixes:
• Fixed Move% sorting in PM Positions
• Dividends and Corporate Actions Windows - Default to TOP of list
• Precision on commodities charts improved
• Remove USA EW Stocks #2 Public Portfolio from Import PP list
• Missing Trade Cost lines fixed

Release Date: 17/11/2021
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2086.1117

Changes and Bug Fixes:

'SYNC' between Beyond Charts & SWS Alerts & PM APP
• New 'SWS Alerts & PM' dialogue within Portfolios menu to login with APP credentials and enable syncing of local portfolios with APP
• New 'Sync with Mobile' button added for manually syncing trades executed in APP to bring into BC
• Auto sync to APP of BC events (add/edit/delete Trade/Transaction/Dividend)
• Auto sync to BC of APP events (add Trade) on Startup of BC (Auto sync whilst BC open is coming in future)

Leveraged Portfolio Improvements:
• Values improvements - now reporting on 'Equity' rather than 'Nominal Portfolio Value'
• New Margin Requirement & Nominal Injection fields in Portfolio settings
• New Cash Balance & Nominal Portfolio Value series in Portfolio Chart
• Margin fields are now included in the date filter of VALUES screen

PORTFOLIO > VALUES Improvements:
• Index Maximum Drawdown %
• Index Maximum Drawdown Date

TRADE > POSITIONS Improvements:
• Date Filter (Open Trade Snapshot)
• Added Signal Column (optional)
• Added Journal Column (optional)

• Combine Trade option to combine costs & trades into one
• Additional Dividend Information added (Code, QTY, Price)
• Colour coding the Amount column values
• Re-arrange default & columns order
• Added Signal Column (optional)
• Added Journal Column

• Added Data Downloader button to HOME tab
• Added a warning message if there is not enough funds to trade
• Additional error logging in BC
• Adjust Portfolio and Cash Account drop down box widths throughout PM
• New Portfolio Cash & Trade accounts naming unified
• Importing Portfolio (public and user) - fixed portions setting and other portfolio attributes being imported incorrectly
• Fixed Base Reference Indicator in Weekly & Monthly modes on PM Chart

Release Date: 16/08/2021
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.2026.0816

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Upgraded Portfolio Manager Chart to be in line with rest of package.
• Improved Base Reference indicator plot for Portfolio charts to incorporate capital injections and withdrawals.
NEW metrics in Portfolio > Values to help analyse the performance of the portfolio.
NEW Information icons with a mouseover tooltip to help explain the statistics purpose in Portfolio > Values.
NEW Upcoming Dividends screen.
• Improved calculation for Annualized Return and Return on Capital.
• Performance improvements when downloading SWS Public Portfolios in to Portfolio Manager.
• Exports from Beyond Charts will now automatically open.
• Allow users to overwrite existing portfolios when importing a Beyond Charts or TradeMaster portfolio.
• Fixed an issue where certain charts were crashing when the Indicators Panel version of ATR Trailing Stop was applied.
• Fixed an issue affecting portfolio reporting where a sell was executed on todays date.
• Visual UI improvements throughout the package.
• Fixed issues where re-importing Public Portfolios would require some Portfolio Manager screens to be re-opened.
• Fixed an issue with the Fractal Chaos indicator provided in Beyond Charts.
• Further improved the logic used in workspaces to ensure we are loading the most relevant "last portfolio used", within a specific individual workspace.
• Fixed issue with rounding on Dividends Net Amount in some instances.
• Fixed an issue where if Portfolio > Values screen is left open the End Date was not setting itself correctly in all instances.
• Disabled ability to import USA / AUS portfolios of all kinds, if a user is not licensed correctly for that data.
• Improved the handling of New Cash Transaction and New Dividend windows.

Release Date: 24/05/2021
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.1972.0524

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Fixed an issue with scan outputs in SPA3 Investor for Swing Chart Position. This bug did not affect any researched Share Wealth Systems methodologies.

Release Date: 3/05/2021
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.1969.0505

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Speed improvements throughout Portfolio Manager.
• Annual Return % now handles Capital Injectoins & Capital Withdrawals.
• Refactored Return on Capital % to use a Time Weighted Return methodology.
• Qualify of Life improvement for when new Market Data is downloaded. Portfolio Manager no longer windows to be re-opened to see latest data.
• Filtered Statistics ae now more accurate on days of certain portfolio events.
• Updated TutorMe Page with a new link in Beyond Charts.
• Many minor bug fixes to Portfolio Manager and improveents to Framework files under the hood.

Release Date: 21/11/2020
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.1900.1221

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Speed improved when returning Beyond Charts to active focus with Windows.
• SPA3 Investor scans & existing provided scans now capable of scanning for Below Action Price opportunities on latest end of day data.
• Legacy scan "SPA3 Investor" and SWS watch lists removed due to implementation of BAP.
• Updated the layout of portfolio information based on member feedback in Portfolio > Values.
• Dividends now pre-fill quantity correctly in more scenarios.
• Public Portfolios importing has improved behind the scenes - allowing users to see closer to real time updates when importing snapshots.
• SPA3 Investor signals now set to on as default for new users.
• Created a progress bar to illustrate portfolios being loaded in to memory on Beyond Charts start up.
• Forex, Futures and Warrants now update values and trade details correctly in Trade > Positions.
• Fixed an issue with Max Drawdown when injection and withdrawal of capital occur on same day in Portfolio.
• Improved the logic behind Portfolio Manager trying to understand which portfolios you want to look at in a workspace.
• Portfolio > Values filter now always will show statistics incorporating open & closed trades, in anticipation of allowing closed trade-only reporting.
• Resolved an issue with reporting in Portfolio > Values when no closed trades exist in the portfolio.
• Resolved an issue with reporting in Portfolio > Values when lightens existed for particular instruments.
• Resolved an issue with reporting in Portfolio > Values with annual return when looking over 1st year of portfolio history.
• Some typos resolved across Portfolio Manager and Beyond Charts

Release Date: 18/11/2020
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.1885.1118

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Rows automatically refresh in Trade > Positions at all times.
• Fix an issue with Max Drawdown when Public Portfolio repeatedly imported.
• Swapped Net Profit $ in to new trade window.
• Fixed accuracy of Net Profit % in to new trade window for some trade situations.
• Added a Refresh Data button to aid portfolio value accuracy when new data comes in. Updates the PM chart when PM chart left open in workspace.
• Filter drop down option in Cash > Records to bring in line with other windows.
• Updated license handling to recognize and interact with Portfolio Manager on to the license key, to prepare for future updates.

Release Date: 15/10/2020
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.1863.1014

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with Open Trade Profit when filter is on
• Bug Fix: Tax Withheld now imports correctly over from TradeMaster.
For those who have expanded on their portfolios since importing from Trademaster, you can re-import and change the associated portfolio for the latest transactions, if this affects you.
• Bug Fix: Cash Statement Balance now correctly depicts balance for chosen portfolio.
• Bug Fix: Capital Withdrawn now summarises correctly in Cash Statement.
• Bug Fix: Invested % has been refined to be accurate in all scenarios.
• Bug Fix: Users without TradeMaster have a fix for future upgrades. If you are affected and need help upgrading, please contact our support desk by email.
• Bug Fix: Avg Price and Last Price in Trade > Positions is now accurate to convention, depending on the country the exchange is in.

Release Date: 23/09/2020
Beyond Charts - Version 2.2.1856.0921

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: Portfolio Manager now available for SPA3 licensed users.
• Improvement: New look and feel to Beyond Charts.
• Improvement: Upgrade 'under the hood' to Beyond Charts supporting files.
• Improvemnet: Updated documents menu for SPA3 licensed users.

Release Date: 05/06/2019
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1650.0602

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: Upgraded files behind the scenes that support Beyond Charts. Some computers may require these to be installed.
• Improvement: Small quality of life improvements with the BCFL Formula Editor.
• Improvement: BCFL: You can now CTRL + S to save formulas. CTRL + ALT + S is the shortcut for 'Save As'.
• Improvement: Text pasted in to the editor uses the same font as the editor.
• Improvement: Added a button link to the SWS Education Centre under the Home tab.
• Bug Fix: BCFL: Accidental Zoom'ing in and out is no longer possible.
• Bug Fix: CTRL + Z (undo) now works as expected in the editor.

Release Date: 13/02/2019
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.16235.0122

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: SPA3 Investor, a seperately licensed system, now has 12 additional Large Cap stocks for the USA.
• New Feature: SPA3 Investor, a seperately licensed system, now has 10 additional Large Cap stocks for the ASX.

Release Date: 22/01/2019
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1629.1218

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Bug Fix: Fixed installation issue where Microsoft SQL Server CE was not being installed for the user in some instances.
• Bug Fix: Expanded decimal places for to 4 for AUD/USD signals in SPA3 Investor, a seperately licensed system.

Release Date: 05/12/2018
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1620.1112

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: Updated the GICS tree within the Securities Explorer classifications menu to the 2018 standard.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where a nested PREV statement prevented BCFL scans from completing.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with BCFL Editor typing speed.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where new, pre-appended historical data to USA stocks could prevent scans from completing.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the Base Reference indicator would not display the % move on the Value Line or Data Window.

Release Date: 04/09/2018
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1618.0815

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: SPA3 for NASDAQ, a seperately licensed system, Market Risk scan now uses $SPX (S&P 500) sector indices due to the decommissioning of $DJI sector indices.
• Improvement: $SPX sector indices now feature signals for SPA3 and SPA3 Investor users.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the SIROC Parameter did not display in the bottom right corner of charts using SPA3 signals.

Release Date: 30/04/2018
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1606.0413

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: SPA3 Investor, a seperately licensed system, is now referred to as SPA3 Investor instead of SPA3ETF.

Release Date: 12/02/2018
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1589.0129

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: SPA3 Investor, a seperately licensed system, now has 10 additional Large Cap stocks for the USA.

Release Date: 14/12/2017
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1587.1205

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: You can now drag and drop charts from datasheets straight in to the Watch List Manager (to add to other Watch Lists) and Scans Securities tab.
• New Feature: SPA3ASX, SPA3NASDAQ & SPA3ETF, separately licensed systems, now have an action column to describe signals.
• Improvement: Bollinger Bands now support decimal places for its settings.
• Improvement: ShowCol() in BCFL now has a "WL Name" parameter that shows which supplied Watch List a chart comes from after a scan, or shows a blank field if not from a Watch List. Example: SHOWCOL("DEFAULT", "WL Name");
• Improvement: You can now hide the axis markers on a chart via a charts right click menu. This will assist with determining the size of volume bars on charts.
• Improvement: More informative errors if you try and run a system BCFL scan with incompatible settings.
• Improvement: Notes, Information and related panels now re-size responsively when re-sizing Beyond Charts.
• Improvement: Pinned Watch Lists are now at the top of the add chart to Watch List drop down list.
• Improvement: Added the ability to change the styling of value lines to preference via Line Studies panel.
• Bug Fix: Fixed a long standing issue where the Securities Chooser will miss key strokes.
• Bug Fix: The Watch Lists that charts originate from has now returned to the tab at the top.
• Bug Fix: Two sets of Beyond Charts no longer appear when first loading the software.
• Bug Fix: You can now apply BCFL functions from the Library when the quick reference panel is open.
• Bug Fix: Analysis Manager buttons are now correctly enabled after creating new analysis.
• Bug Fix: Items from a new datasheet no longer add themselves to an active Scans Panel securities tab.
• Bug Fix: Signal Summary statistics are no longer empty if the system applied has no loss trades for the chart.
• Bug Fix: Signal Summary now updates when you have two separate Formula Editors in 1 workspace.
• Bug Fix: Solved a rare issue where prolonged trading halts or historical code changes stopped moving averages from plotting.
• Bug Fix: Auto - Sector RSC scans now also include Real Estate comparisons.
• Bug Fix: Watch List datasheets that contain other watch lists can now open charts correctly with consistency.
• Bug Fix: Andrew's Pitchforks now float when set to floating instead of locking on to close prices.

Release Date: 11/09/2017
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1536.0822

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: Now compatible with Data Suppleir changes to Futures codes.
• Bug Fix: Region settings in SPA TradeMaster are better at handling non-Australian or non-USA based users.

Release Date: 25/07/2017
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1529.0710

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: BCFL scans have new performance settings.
Threads: You can now run faster scans by staying Optimised (default). When running multiple scans at once, change to Standard before starting scans or your computer performance will be affected.
52 Week Calculation: On by default, turning off will not show results in the customisable columns for 52 Week High and Lows and their dates. Changing to off will make BCFL scans significantly faster.
• Improvement: Charts with BCFL formulas applied are much quicker to move to the next chart.
• Improvement: Log charts now have a buffer from the top of the Y-axis and the top of chart, so you can see the last bar easily.
• Bug Fix: SPA3, a separately licensed methodology, the Market and Sector Risk scan when loading in a saved workspace no longer gets stuck occasionally and fail to show results.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where scans with a small amount of stocks would not show the results calculated and stay at 'Initialising' instead.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where tool-tips did not work if more than 1 Corporate Action, Note or Dividend occurred on the same day.
• Bug Fix: Charts no longer show less days than chosen, while moving through charts with an Overlay applied, after coming across a chart with less days than amount set to be displayed.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where scans would sometimes not go past 'Initialising' if a Watch List being scanned was open in separate Datasheet and Chart tabs in the workspace.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where BCFL would crash when the WILDERS() function is used in another function. For example MOV(WILDERS(ATR(1), 15), 60, W);

Release Date: 30/05/2017
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1496.0419

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: SPA3ETF, a seperately licensed system, now has 7 additional Large Cap stocks for the ASX.
• New Feature: New default SPA3ETF Relative Strength scan
• New Feature: New default SPA3ETF Equal Weighting scan
• Improvement: SWS Stocks for SPA3ETF is now SWS USA Stocks for SPA3ETF and SWS ASX Stocks for SPA3ETF.
• Improvement: SWS ETFs for SPA3ETF is now SWS USA ETFs for SPA3ETF and SWS ASX ETFs for SPA3ETF.

Release Date: 10/05/2017
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1495.0419

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: BCFL Security() function can now take the INDEX or SECTOR parameters instead of a defined chart where applicable. See Quick Reference for details.
• Improvement: The list of Securities is re-populated on every open of Beyond Charts.
• Improvement: SIROC and Volume indicators now plot accurately while still off the bottom orange tip.
• Improvement: In BCFL, the Security() function is now less sensitive with your upper or lower case selection for your valid securities.
• Improvement: User created Watch Lists can now be pinned to the top of the list via the right-click menu.
• Improvement: The Data Window can now be minimised and displays more information.
• Improvement: Improved ordering of charts which are opened after a datasheet or scan is sorted.
• Improvement: BCFL functions can now accept arrays as well as numbers in the period parameter.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3, seperately licensed system, no longer provides a data error when the signal is acted on and the click was slightly off the icon.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3TradeMaster, seperately licensed system, now displays equity curves correctly in all cases when Region is set to USA.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3, seperately licensed system, no longer shows the history of signals on indexes when used in a scan.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3ASX or SPA3NASDAQ, Market Risk no longer crashes when opened for a 2nd time in some cases.
• Bug-Fix: Reserved BCFL words such as 'Signal' no longer crash the scan output when used in ShowCol() function.
• Bug-Fix: Formulas with 2+ Securitiy() functions in a single line save as expected.
• Bug-Fix: Users can no longer corrupt their Watch Lists by re-naming them to an existing Industry Watch List.
• Bug-Fix: Charts no longer crash when a 'middle' panel is deleted when the bottom panel has a Line Study applied.
• Bug-Fix: Fixed Line Studies where they would display horizontally after using the Securities Chooser.
• Bug-Fix: Scan tabs no longer take the name of open Information Panels on workspace load.
• Bug-Fix: Workspaces with tabbed Information Panels no longer crash the software when closed in session.
• Bug-Fix: Fixed an issue where the chart would crash when moving to an option in the list with an Overlay applied.
• Bug-Fix: Analysis saved for charts with a . in the name (such as #XYZ.IMPV.Exchange) can be applied to the chart.
• Bug-Fix: Security Chooser new opens newly listed stocks that start with a unique first character in saved workspaces.
• Bug-Fix: Work on making upgrades smoother and some graphics fixed.

Release Date: 08/02/2017
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1477.0105

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: The core file structure that the user interface is built on has been upgraded to assist with further updates.

Release Date: 06/12/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1475.1125

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: ShowCol() - This allows users to display more than previously on to the scan results grid. So you can have a signal if it met your criteria AND a custom variable OR a pre-existing data column such as Market Cap.
• New Feature: SortCol() - This allows you to sort specific columns by ASCending or DEScending order and in priority, to sort your BCFL scan results by variable value then the close for instance.
• Note: CLICK HERE to see a video demonstrating the new BCFL Functions
• New Feature: Line Studies Display: There are additional ways for the line studies to display on the chart outside of a solid line. This is changed via. the Line Style Paramter for each relevant line studie.
• Improvement: Substaintial gains in memory allocation on your computer and speed of BCFL scans.
• Improvement: The Security() function in BCFL now blocks the formula being saved and returns an error if it will output a NULL result.
• Improvement: Beyond Charts now re-starts automatically where suitable, as advertised in the user message prompt.
• Improvement: By popular demand! Instead of overbearing and large yellow boxes, the Parabolic SAR now renders as a simple line that flows through the price action on a chart.
• Improvement: Left-clicking and dragging Scan Profiles in the Scans Panel > Profiles Tab now re-orders the list. This is replicated in the Systems drop-down box.
• Improvement: Ease of Movement has been incorporated to the Volume Strength indicator panel group from now defunct Vol Strength group.
• Improvement: The drop-down that provides a list of all the open tabs in the workspace now is more consistent with its display times.
• Improvement: Even if you did not use Internet Explorer 11 on your PC, you no longer need it enabled to open TutorMe or Help pages from the Home Tab.
• Improvement: Backups now include SPA3ETF, a seperately licensed system, TradeMaster data.
• Improvement: SPA3ETF TradeMaster portfolios can now save buy prospects.
• Improvement: When moving through the Charts of a Watch List, the arrows will now tell you when you have hit the end of the list more accurately across different Watch List makeups.
• Improvement: GICS listings have been updated which has flowed on through to re-allocated stocks.
• Bug-Fix: Duplicates in Watch Lists are now properly handled and do not cause excess listings to be hidden when viewing a datasheet of a Watch List.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3ASX & SPA3NASDAQ, seperately licensed systems, are more reliable when opening Market & Sector Risk Scans and swapping between the 2 exchanges.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3ASX & SPA3NASDAQ, seperately licensed systems, now include the correct comment in TradeMaster when acting on signals directly from a chart.
• Bug-Fix: In SPA3ETF, a seperately licensed system, the ATR_TS line no longer dips below additional panels on the chart and is constained to the price action window.
• Bug-Fix: SPA3NASDAQ, seperately licensed system, now displays sector risk as HIGH when the stock is in that HIGH risk sector in the scan results grid.
• Bug-Fix: Chart Options and Scan Signals no longer clash when plotting on a chart opened from scan results.
• Bug-Fix: Alt-tab while in Annotation edit mode OR swapping to a new program no longer keeps the annotation box sitting on the screen. It now finishes the edit action by default.
• Bug-Fix: Cleaned up 12 customisable columns and their outputs in BCFL scan results, including fixing columns that previously displayed no data.
• Bug-Fix: Stochastic Oscillator (Full) Indicator now keeps colour changes once applied to the chart.
• Bug-Fix: Double clicking on Trend Lines that overlapped multiple signals displayed on a chart, no longer crashes the software.
• Bug-Fix: Closing a datasheet that is loading with the green bar moving across the screen, no longer crashes the software.
• Bug-Fix: Scans failing to find data for de-listed stocks that are still in the contents of a Watch List, no longer crash the software.
• Bug-Fix: IMPV charts no longer show even when all boxes under Instruments are un-ticked.
• Bug-Fix: Systems on Scan Profiles can no longer be edited as it could cause the scan profile to corrupt rendering it unusable.
• Bug-Fix: The BCFL Zig() function no longer outputs a 0 value that compresses a chart.
• Bug-Fix: Behind the scenes to improve the reliablity of Beyond Charts when reading and dealing with license keys across multiple types of users.

Release Date: 30/08/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1440.0824

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: Beyond Charts should have less problems with Anti-Virus software going forward. Most benefits will not be noticed.
• Improvement: BCFL scans no longer stop in the middle of their scans due to PC Memory issues.
• Bug Fix: SPA3ETF Ranking type scans, a seperately licensed system, will no longer show the traditional scan results screen (ie. no Ranking or Swing Chart Position columns) in rare cases.

Release Date: 22/07/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1423.0722

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with multiple scans not starting properly.

Release Date: 20/07/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1422.0711

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: Pinned Industry Watch Lists! Your favourite industry lists can now stick to the top of the list.
• New Feature: For SPA3ETF customers, a seperately licensed investing methodology, the Ranking scan type has been added to SPA3ETF scans.
• Improvement: Formatting of some Watch Lists was incorrect in the list to add Watch Lists to the Favourites tab.
• Improvement: IsDefined() is now in the BCFL Library and has Quick Reference information available.
• Improvement: Can now easily identify GICS information when adding columns to scan results.
• Improvement: Improved the accuracy of supporting data (ie. Dividend Yield) for historical scan results.
• Bug Fix: Deleting a Formula group in the Formula Explorer no longer crashes Beyond Charts.
• Bug Fix: Watch Lists created from a grouped Datasheet now have charts in the Watch List.
• Bug Fix: When applying an F10 Overlay, you no longer need to left click on the chart before using page up & page down to navigate.
• Bug Fix: Custom settings chosen under Period in the Chart tab will actually be saved in Application Settings.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where too many edits to Watch Lists significantly affected performance of Beyond Charts.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where some scans would occassionally stall.
• Bug Fix: A couple of graphics have been updated.

Release Date: 16/05/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1405.0513

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Hot Fix: Fixed a potential data conflict issue with some SPA3ETF scans, a seperately licensed system.

Release Date: 10/05/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1404.0421

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Functionality: SPA3ETF Timing for Stocks, a seperately licensed system, is now available via the SPA3ETF Timing for Stocks Watch List in the Industry Watch Lists.
• Improvement: SWS SPA3ETF Watch List is now titled 'SWS ETFs for SPA3ETF'.
• Bug Fix: The date in the bottom left of the chart is no longer cut off when hovering with your mouse.

Release Date: 12/04/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1374.0412

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: Using the Instruments box and changing the selection is easier than ever. You can now tick everything, clear everything and reset to previous selections.
• Improvement: Candle Stick highlight border settings function more consistently.
• Improvement: Updated the emulation capabilities of the browser and updated the default ASX website URL.
• Improvement: BCFL syntax for Upper and Lower Bollinger Bands updated in the BCFL library.
• Improvement: The logic for weekly and monthly BCFL scans to handle friday public holidays has been revamped. No more 2 weeks of results!
• Bug Fix: SPA3ETF, a separately licensed investing system, had issues with signals disappearing when opening a chart from the SPA3ETF Watch List.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with AutoLoad Analysis conflicting with generated signals when opening a chart from scan results that would crash Beyond Charts.
• Bug Fix: Scans that contained empty Watch Lists were stuck on 'Initialising' and affected further scans from working. This also occurred if there was an empty chart or Watch List in the workspace.
• Bug Fix: IsDefined() now works as intended in BCFL.
• Bug Fix: Exporting using XLS and XLSX is functional again, as well as improvements to the CSV export. Exports that are not possible no longer crash Beyond Charts.
• Bug Fix: Some regionalisation issues where some dates were still Australia only despite having the region set to English-US.
• Bug Fix: Paralleled Trend lines that should stop at current last bar no longer start from 01/01/1900 when in Semi-Log Mode.
• Bug Fix: Scan result columns no longer compress if there are no results to show.
• Bug Fix: Datasheet columns for 52 week low and high dates now display the correct date instead of the most recent week that data is available.
• More under the hood issues and a few minor bugs fixed.

Release Date: 08/02/2016
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1346.0203

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement: SPA3ETF Watch List, a separately licensed system, is now imported directly under Industry Watch Lists in the Watch List Explorer as "SWS SPA3ETF".
• Improvement: When using Base Reference indicator, the % difference between the chart used in the indicator and the base chart is now displayed on the Value Line.
• Improvement: Not seeing all your charts or industry watch lists? You can refresh the listing via the Repairs menu. Inconsistencies are now repaired at start up more often.
• Improvement: Chart names now appear on charts copied out of Beyond Charts using the Copy button, to help others be aware of what they are looking at!
• Bug Fix: Trend lines that are 'straight' no longer skew when you return to the chart! Please re-apply your trend lines for the change to take place.
• Bug Fix: Fixed an issue in BCFL where RSI indicator values were not being properly calculated when called from the Security function.
• Bug Fix: .IMPV securities were not appearing for some users.
• Bug Fix: Analysis could still overwrite existing saved analysis when No was clicked.
• Bug Fix: Chart legends stop breaking when moving through charts if BCFL is applied.
• Bug Fix: No longer able to change the system on locked scan profiles.
• Bug Fix: Horizontal lines now have more than 3 decimal places when needed.
• Bug Fix: Base Reference indicator is now more aware of which chart you are after if you have the same code on multiple exchanges.
• More under the hood issues fixed and further improvements with uninstalling and activating the software.

Release Date: 20/10/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1315.1021

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Improvement to Trend Lines, Value Lines and Profit / Loss Lines now display commas when appropriate (ie. Trend Line over the Volume Indicator or BRK.A).
• Improvement to blackout logic when Friday data is not present, for USA users.
• Bug Fix: Using Displacement with Moving Average Indicators would remove all the other Axis Markers on the Y-Axis.
• Bug Fix: Beyond Charts no longer crashes when trying to re-open while the database is held in the process of creating a backup.
• Bug Fix: Can now delete Workspaces that have a trailing white space character (' ') at the end of the name.
• Bug Fix: Re-ordering Watchlists via the Watchlist Manager could have their changes reverted.
• Bug Fix: Paralleled Trendlines that should stop at current last bar no longer start from 01/01/1900.
• Several various under the hood bug fixes and improvements.

Release Date: 01/09/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1292.0819

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Functionality: Regionalisation settings so users can select between USA and Australian date and time formats.
• Bug Fix: Blank Workspaces when saved, workspaces with no content, can now take on content without having to delete the workspace entirely.
• Other minor miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

Release Date: 18/08/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1268.0818

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Hot Fix: Charted Watchlist navigation issue.
• Hot Fix: SPA3 Market & Sector Risk disspearance of overall Market Risk and Market Index rows, separately licenced investment methodology integrated into Beyond Charts.

Release Date: 10/08/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1267.0807

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• New Feature: For the first time, USA Dividends are now appearing in Beyond Charts!
• New Feature: Addition of 5 ASX listed ETFs in to SPA3ETF, separately licenced investment methodology integrated into Beyond Charts.
• Bug Fix: Missing Dividends for select ASX stocks now appear again.

Release Date: 29/06/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1248.0623

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Bug Fix: Scans did not pick up historical exit signals under certain coditions.

Release Date: 10/06/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1242.0522

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Release of SPA3ETF, separately licenced investment methodology integrated into Beyond Charts.
• Market Risk revision for SPA3 ASX & NASDAQ, separately licenced investment methodologies integrated into Beyond Charts.
• Fixed inability to remove, change and move columns in a Datasheet.
• Fixed an issue where Beyond Charts would crash when paging down with Formulas displaying as Signals.
• Fixed Signal Summary where it would not automatically update when a user moves to another chart in a list.
• Various minor bug fixes & enhancements.

Release Date: 2/04/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1164.0112

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Background Windows Service Upgrade - no visible change to users

Release Date: 20/01/2015
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1158.0112

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Filter to prevent duplicates being scanned in all Scan types
• Ability to 'move' securities between User watchlists (WL)
     • Drag and drop between datasheets (only moves if both datasheets are user WL's)
     • 'Move item(s)' introduced in Add to Watchlist box (only visible if source WL is user WL)
• Chart Options setting added to Scans to control what loads up on chart when opened from a scan:
     • None = Same as opening fresh chart/watchlist, default analysis if available, nothing if not
     • BCFL = Output the formula/system the scan is using (previous hardcoded behaviour)
     • Overlay = User specified Overlay will apply unless default analysis exists
• Chart style now correctly recalled on Analysis (Candle/Bar colors in next release)
• RAD Chandelier now recognises 3 decimal places for it's multiples (previously 2)
• Bug Fix: Industry watchlist creation if licensed for an exchange that no physical data exists for
• Bug Fix: Duplicates being created in watchlists when using 'Add to Watchlist' functionality
• Bug Fix: Ability to recreate watchlists in designated sort order restored
• Bug Fix: Charts no longer opening blank if saved in a workspace from a scan results
• Bug Fix: Data mode priority between analysis and overlays fixed
• Change: Max zoom-in restriction relaxed to 7 (+ or -) bars
• Change: Annotations in multi mode - now exiting previous edit when applying new
• Bug Fix: Tootips using individual precision (decimal places) instead of defaulting to price precision
• Bug Fix: Restore down size fixed
• Bug Fix: Indicators showing correct precision (decimal places) instead of defaulting to price precision
• Bug Fix: Fixed certain scan types needing restart if data updated whilst Beyond Charts was open
• Bug Fix: Data Window exception due to indicator not having enough data to display.

Release Date: 27/11/2014
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1138.1124

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Bug Fix: Scan Profile corruption when deleting or saving Workspaces containing Scans
• Bug Fix: UAC issue with root Administrator users
• Bug Fix: Upgrade resolved for installations not residing on OS drive (eg. C:\)

Release Date: 20/10/2014
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.1083.1016

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Data Window listing O/L/H/C and Indicator Values to reduce chart clutter
• Mouse Wheel Scroll - Scroll chart or Zoom In / Out (hold CTRL on keyboard for alternative)
• AutoSave Analysis introduced to speed up work flow
• Y-Axis Labels display last value for indicators and series
• Data Period and Type now configurable for formula and system scanning through the editor
• Speed Improvements: Beyond Charts Start Up
• Speed Improvements: Scan times optimised
• Industry Watch lists now in Alphabetical Order
• Bug Fix: BCFL Back Testing functionality repaired
• Bug Fix: Error on Exit with large amounts open on close

Release Date: 29/05/2014
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.910.0528

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Workspace improvements: Document Manager introduced to fix resizing issues
• Workspace improvements: On Demand Workspaces introduced to speed up initial loading of Beyond Charts
• Bottom Status Bar removal - Version number moved to Version Check tooltip in Home tab
• ASX Implied Volatilities now available within the ASX Extras database
• BCFL: Stochastic Oscillator, Stochastic Momentum Index, Relative Momentum Index added
• Bug Fix: Beyond Charts logo visible when top ribbon minimised
• Bug Fix: BCFL Sum function displaced by 1 day

Release Date: 11/03/2014
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.853.0305

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Ability to add securities to a Watch List from the Securities Explorer & Chart
• Ability to add securities to an existing Watch List via a drop down menu
• BCFL Security function enhanced (no longer limited to OHLC)
• Ability to save BCFL Formulas within an existing Group via a drop down menu
• Ability to set Label above & below BCFL signal
• Beyond Charts Forum link added to 'Help'
• Improved methods for entering and exiting Annotations
• Drop down controls within panels added for clearer identification
• SX renamed to Exchange throughout Beyond Charts
• Bug Fix: Line Studies - Multi Draw mode not working when dragged and dropped
• Bug Fix: Custom Backup path for Automatic backups incorrect
• Bug Fix: Operator precedence in the BCFL engine not correct
• Bug Fix: Chart exception and Logo issue with Med (125%) display mode
• Bug Fix: Annotations applying to all open charts when in single draw mode

Release Date: 13/01/2014
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.801.1213

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Start / End Dates & Values on Line Studies
• Double click to modify Line Studies
• Upgrade: TeeCharts
• Upgrade: DevExpress
• Upgrade: QLM Licensing
• Upgrade: .Net Framework 4.0
• Bug Fix: Crosshair incorrect dates
• Bug Fix: Horizontal Line changing value on zoom/scaling

Release Date: 3/09/2013
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.746.0830

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Bug Fix: New Value line misbehaving when Zoom 100%
• Bug Fix: Favourite tab not usable when 'Un-docked'
• Bug Fix: New Value line values overlaying over OHLC
• Bug Fix: A number of the Look & Feel themes erroring due to the new Favourite tab
• Bug Fix: Large Watchlists becoming corrupted on upgrade
• BCFL 'PREV' function improvements

Release Date: 21/08/2013
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.733.0820

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Favourites Tab
• Market Close Snapshot for ASX (16:25pm AEST)
• Right click access to Panels
• Line studies on non price series
• Context sensitive right click menu
• Trend Line extensions
• X-Axis resizing
• Floating Crosshair introduced for 'future' X-axis data
• BCFL Quick Reference data populated
• Chart Bar/Candle spacing improvements
• WellesWilder smoothing added for hard coded indicators
• Context sensitive right click menu
• 4 new Industry Watchlists:
   ASX Fully Paid Ordinary
   ASX Dividend Paying Securities
   ASX Franked Dividend Paying Securities
   ASX Positive PE Ratio Securities
• Improvements to catch errors when Data is being updated
• Limit Lines now available on BCFL indicators
• BCFL Ribbon (width) now recalling correctly when loading from analyses / overlay

Release Date: 30/05/2013
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.642.0530

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• BCFL scan speed improvements.
• RAD Chandelier improvements.

Release Date: 10/04/2013
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.622.0410

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Charting speed improvements.
• New Stamp Tool (Line Studies).
• New Annotations Tools (Line Studies).
• Ability to drop and drag indicators.
• Improved flexibility and ability to tailor indicators.
• Improved signal charting method.
• New highlight charting method.
• Multiple outputs and signals within BCFL.
• New ribbon feature.
• New RAD Chandelier indicator.
• 22 new training videos uploaded to Tutor Me.
• BCFL documentation updated.

Release Date: 14/09/2012
Beyond Charts - Version 2.1.529.0914

Changes and Bug Fixes:
• Highlighting an indicator for modify.
• Ability to change candle stick colours.
• Ability to draw multiple trend lines.
• Ability to view a predefined number of bars.
• Ability to scroll forward 1 bar at a time.
• BCFL - Input function.
• BCFL - Right click options in the editor.
• License key delivery of formulas (if subscribed).
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